Choose Your Ideal Bed Bug Heater Package

Effortlessly Eliminate Bed Bugs Yourself!

Handling your own bed bug heat treatment is straightforward, simply plug in, set up, and start exterminating! We are dedicated to your success, providing comprehensive preparation, heater operation, and setup guidelines. Plus, our friendly, expertly trained, and equipment-certified team is here to answer your questions throughout the process. There is no need to spend thousands on professional exterminators when you can effectively do it yourself. Save your money and gain peace of mind!

DIY 400

(Treats Up To 400 Sqft in One Day OR 800 Sqft in Two Days)

20,460 BTUs of Heating Power


(Why Pay $1200-1800 to a Pro?!)

  • 1x Bed Bug Heater Fan
  • 2x High Temp Axial Air Moving Fan
  • 4x 110V Heater Cords of Various Length -OR- 220V “Stove/Dryer” Power Cord of Needed Length
  • 1x Laser Thermometer

Treats Up To 400 Square Feet In 24 Hours

Our most popular package- The DIY 400 Square Foot bed bug heating system treats one larger (master) bedroom or a small living room, two smaller kid’s bedrooms, a medium-sized hotel room with some belongings present. The additional BTU heating capacity and high-temperature air moving fans (when compared to the 200sqft system) makes this package ideal for treating two or three infected rooms over Two Days. Plugs into standard wall socket outlets or your stove’s 220V power outlet. ​​

​Total Circuits Needed:
4x Standard 110v Home Circuits -OR- 1x 40amp Stove (56 Amps Total System Power Draw)

First Day: $300 (Why Pay $1000-1800 to a Pro?!)
Additional Days: $150/each
(You pick up and drop off- Flexible hours)


  • Delivery to your Home (Unmarked Vehicle)
  • Heater Set-Up Consultation
  • Active Communication During Treatment
  • Pick Up When Finished

Local Delivery: Starting at $100 (details below)

DIY 600

Obliteration Vortex
(Treats Up To 600 Sqft in One Day OR 1200 Sqft in Two Days)

46,649 BTUs of Heating Power


(Why Pay $1200-3000 to a Pro?!)

  • 1x Bed Bug Heater Fan
  • 1x High Temp Axial Air Moving Fan
  • 4x 110V Heater Cords of Various Length
  • 1x Laser Thermometer

​Treats up to 600sqft in one day -OR- up to 1200sqft over two days

Our most popular “110” system plugs into your home’s standard wall outlets. The DIY 600 Square Foot system treats a larger area at one time. Treat a small apartment or villa in a single day. Many people can treat their entire home over two/three days using this system, a very large master bedroom/ closet/bath area. Perfect for a large hotel room or similar sized spaces. Medium amount of furniture and belongings okay. This package is best used for eradicating low to medium infestation levels. ​​

​Total Circuits Needed:
4x Standard 110v Home Circuits(90 Amps Total System Power Draw)

​First Day: $425 ​(Why Pay $1400-$3000 to a Pro?!)Additional Days: 200/each
(You pick up and drop off- Flexible hours)


  • Delivery to your Home (Unmarked Vehicle)
  • Heater Set-Up Consultation
  • Active Communication During Treatment
  • Pick Up When Finished

Local Delivery: Starting at $100 (details below)

DIY 1400

(Treats Up To 1400 Sqft in One Day OR 2800 Sqft in Two Days)

72,460 BTUs of Heating Power


(Why Pay $1800-4000 to a Pro?!)

  • 1x Bed Bug Heater Fan
  • 2x High Temp Axial Air Moving Fans
  • StovePower Cords of Needed Length
  • Dryer Power Cords of Needed Length​
  • 1x Laser Thermometer

Treats up to 1400sqft in one day – OR – up to 2800sqft over two days

The DIY 1400 Square Foot bed bug heat package plugs into your home’s stove and dryer power. This package heats a smaller home in one day or a larger home over two days. It can treat larger apartments or similar sized areas. Medium amount of furniture and belongings okay. This package is best used for eradicating low or medium infestation levels. ​​

​Total Circuits Needed:
1x 40amp Stove Outlet and
1x 30amp Dryer Outlet
(70 Amps Total System Power Draw)

First Day: $600 (Why Pay $1800-$4000 to a Pro?!)
Additional Days: $250/each

(You pick up and drop off- Flexible hours)


  • Delivery to your Home (Unmarked Vehicle)
  • Heater Set-Up Consultation
  • Active Communication During Treatment
  • Pick Up When Finished

Local Delivery: Starting at $100 (details below)


(Treats Up To 8ooo Sqft in One Day)

990,000 BTUs of Heating Power


(Warranty Included?!)

  • Full-Service Treatment
  • Treat Whole House in A Few Hours
  • Warranty Provided with Full-Service Treatment
  • Higher Heat Ensures Complete Efficacy
  • Professional Treatment Improve Success Rate
  • Infrared Camera Used During Treatment Ensure Proper

​Warranty included with full service!

Flexible Treatment Options for Any Space

Whether you are addressing an entire house or just a couple of bedrooms, our heater rental packages are tailored to the size of your treatment area, not your entire dwelling. Standard heat treatments under optimal conditions range from 16 to 24 hours. To accelerate the process or manage multiple small rooms simultaneously, consider opting for a heater that exceeds your space requirements. However, remember to allow sufficient time for heat to penetrate all potential bed bug hideouts thoroughly. We also offer specialized solutions for cars and other vehicles.

Package Inclusions

Avoid using over-the-counter repellent chemicals, such as pesticide sprays and foggers, immediately before heating, as they may be neutralized by the heat. Instead, post-treatment, enhance your defense with high-quality residual pesticides or natural sprays for prolonged protection.

Note on Heating Capacity

The maximum area covered by our heaters assumes ideal conditions. Rooms cluttered with furniture or belongings, homes with concrete block construction, high or vaulted ceilings, unreliable power sources, poor insulation, or older, drafty windows may require more robust heating solutions. In such cases, it is wise to choose a more powerful package to ensure adequate heat distribution. It is better to have capacity to spare than to find your system lacking.

DIY Plus Delivery Option

Starting at $100, delivery fees vary based on distance and treatment complexity. Our DIY Plus Delivery package includes discreet delivery of the heating system, set-up assistance, and ongoing support throughout your treatment, ensuring you have everything you need to successfully eliminate bed bugs. Our team is equipped with valuable insights on fan placement, room separation strategies, and window insulation techniques to maximize efficacy.

Equipment Pickup

We will coordinate a specific pickup time with you. Please power down the system, coil all cords, and place all fans near the entrance before our arrival. Note that an additional fee may apply in particularly challenging pickup scenarios. We value your time as much as our own and appreciate your cooperation.

Terms & Conditions Summary

  • Schedule your bed bug heater rental a few days in advance if possible, however same day service is sometimes available
  • Credit/debit cards, cash and business checks are accepted
  • Sales tax and delivery fees may apply
  • Driver’s license and credit card must be presented when renting a heating system
  • Please keep in mind that we reserve these heating systems for other customers, so those who do not show up at their appointment time could be charged a cancellation fee.
  • Bed bug heater rental equipment must be returned on time, but we are flexible within reason. As such, we will happily extend your 24-hour rental period by four extra hours as a courtesy to you. If bed bug heater rental is more than four hours late, the full 24 hour “Additional Day” rental fee applies.​​​