Guide To Effective Preparation For Bed Bug Heat Treatment

Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be stressful, but thorough preparation for your bed bug heater rental treatment can ensure effective extermination. Proper preparation is key to the success of your DIY bed bug heat treatment. Here is how to get your space ready without unnecessary complications.

1. Refrain from Using Pesticides

Avoid using pesticides such as foggers, bombs, sprays, or dusts prior to your heat treatment. The treatment’s high temperatures will negate the effectiveness of these chemicals, requiring their reapplication.

2. Prepare Your Space

Enhance the efficiency of the treatment by minimizing heat loss. Seal A/C vents, cover leaky windows with insulated blankets, and block bathroom exhaust fans to contain the heat. For treatments targeting a single room, block the gap under the door to prevent heat from escaping.

3. Declutter for Better Heat Distribution

Organize and declutter to promote optimal air circulation, ensuring heat reaches all potential bed bug hideouts. Remove only trash and heat-sensitive items, everything else should remain for effective treatment.

4. Handle Clothing and Linens Carefully

While not mandatory, it is recommended to wash and dry all clothes and linens at a high temperature before and after the treatment. Make sure closets and drawers are not overstuffed and that all items are accessible.

5. Adjust Furniture Placement

Increase heat penetration by moving furniture slightly away from walls and opening all drawers. Elevate mattresses and box springs slightly to allow heat to circulate underneath.

6. Manage Electronics Safely

Unplug all electronic devices except for refrigerators and freezers, and keep them within the treatment area as bed bugs can reside in these items too. Allow electronics to return to room temperature post-treatment before using them.

7. Prepare Travel Items

Empty and open all suitcases, backpacks, purses, and bags within the treatment zone to ensure they are also treated.

8. Consider Pets, Plants, and Aquariums

Remove all living beings from the area. Items such as kennels and pet bedding, however, should remain to be treated.

9. Secure Loose Items

Prevent displacement by securing loose papers, documents, and small objects that could move during treatment. Take down lightweight wall hangings that might fall.

10. Vacuum Thoroughly

Before the treatment, vacuum any powders, dust, and pet hair to prevent damage to the equipment and maintain air quality. Clear and organize storage areas to ensure good airflow.

11. Protect Heat-Sensitive Items

Identify and remove items that may be damaged by the heat or inspect each item to determine if it should be removed. This includes perishables, combustibles, certain plastics, vinyl items, and sensitive electronics.

12. Manage Fire Sprinkler Systems

Be aware of and manage any fire sprinkler systems within the treatment area to prevent accidental activation, typically at around 150-155 °F.

Re-entry Guidelines

Re-enter with caution and allow the area to gradually cool before spending extended periods inside. This helps avoid discomfort or heat-related issues.

Additional Tips

  • Remember that fire sprinkler systems may activate at temperatures over 150 °F; consult with a professional if unsure how to handle it.
  • Consider the possibility that friends or family might also be affected by the infestation.
  • Check vehicles for bed bugs, as they can serve as infestation sites, though high summer temperatures might naturally mitigate this risk.

Prepare your space diligently according to these guidelines to maximize the effectiveness of your DIY bed bug heat treatment and protect your valuables from damage. Contact us for a free estimate and confidently schedule your DIY bed bug heater rental today!